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Alessandra Meacci Architetto & interior designer

I graduated in architecture in July 2005 with the landscaping project "Redevelopment of the corridor landscape of the river Sarca" with whom I participated in the European competition of ideas "Dessiner sur l'herbe".

Between September 2005 and May 2006, I attended a ESF professional course at the  EnAIP Veneto school with which I acquired the qualification " Interior architecture Designer", approved under Regional Law 845/78; after this, I attended the presentation of the experimental progetto " restoration and functional recovery of the fortification system of the  Cavallino Tremonti municipality  coast".

In July 2006 I got the qualification to the profession by enrolling in the Order of Architects of Padua province with the 2628 number.

Dal febbraio 2006 lavoro nello studio guerrarchitetti, occupandomi di progetazione architettonica e di interior design.

In 2007 I attended the "specialist refresher  on alternative energies and energy savings  course" of ESSE TI ESSE at the Padua Architects Order.

Since February 2006 I Work in "guerrarchitetti"  study, dealing with architectural project and interior design.

For some years I have also started to move in the world of design: in April 2013 I presented my first works at the Salone Satellite in Salone del Mobile (Milan) and in 2014 I exhibited at Lambrate in a personal space at "Fuorisalone" during Milan Design Week .

My goal as a designer is to create objects that will not run out at first glance, but at every turn, show a new facet and offer a different image, depending on the time of the day, the light angle, the viewer position. They are objects that interact with the environment in which they are located, which is "alive" with light, drawing the space with the shadows texture they cast, and, in my most recent creations, creating a chromatic caleydoscope and reflections thanks to the use of RADIANT material.

With YouGrow LTD I began a self-production of my design pieces, for sale on my website

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