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 minimalist style & wire design




Blank is a console with a minimalist design and a strong personality, made in metal and plexiglass.

It can be used as a table to decorate a modern living room, perhaps to create a contrast to the classic pieces of furniture, or as a  desk in an elegant office.

The minimalist style ,the "wire design" style of this console is inspired by the "wire frame model" : the type of graphical representation of  three-dimensional objects used by modeling software . The wireframe display offers significant advantages to those who work with three-dimensional graphics programs because it allows to work much faster by requiring simple calculations when compared to views that give a complete representation of surfaces. I use very often this type of representation and I like it because it reproduces, drawing them, only the edges of the object that is completely transparent on the inside .The represented objects are abstract, not drawn in detail: you sense and enrich them with your imagination.

From this suggestion I took  the idea to develop a design project in a minimalist style that was inspired by this kind of graphics: I tried to reproduce its lightness by the elimination of "unnecessary gestures", simplifying the object to a set of lines .

Blank is a plexiglass and metal console that recalls the graphic strength and elegance of a line drawing. The base is made in rod : a black mark, light and clear, a line projecting a maze of shadows lost in the reflections of plexiglass.

Surfaces are in transparent Plexiglas; they bend down to the ground, giving a marked asymmetry to the object.

Paradoxically, for this project, I preferred working with physical models instead of graphics programs and rendering. I first realized the line of plexiglass surfaces, and I drew the geometric development that was used to cut the pieces with the laser,  in order to create a sharp edge. Then I worked with a  blacksmith ( I made with him  different projects as the planters Gardeny, the bookcase Dharma): we have "built" piece by piece the base metal rod, assembling, literally under the table top, each segment metal.

I proposed this project to the Salone Satellite 2015, during the Salone del Mobile in Milan.

consolle in stile minimal con i piani in cristallo e la base in tondino metallico nero , adatta per ingressi luminosi o per arredare un soggiorno moderno
Blank: plexiglass consolle .
By Alessandra Meacci
consolle in stile minimal, , che puo essere usata come una scrivania di design
Blank : minimal design by Alessandra Meacci
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